
Fun!, Studio, Travel

The James Tse crew are a bunch of worldly travellers, not afraid to strap on a backpack, take their shoes off at airport security, and hit the skies. Check out some of the postcards we’ve accumulated on our Polaroid wall over the past few months. Bonus: Kate wearing a giant bear head.


Kate sent us one from San Francisco, Laura sent one in from Vancouver, and Tyler’s made it all the way from Shanghai.

BTS: Christmas is Here Already

Behind the scenes, Clients, James Tse Photo, Studio

Now I don’t want to alarm you, so I’m going to give you this warning: What you’re about to see below is a Christmas related post, and yes, yesterday was April Fool’s Day so I understand your suspicion of anything you see on the internet for 24 hours either side of April 1st, but hear me out! This is just how timelines in food photography are. We get to shoot Christmas themes in March, Halloween themes in January, Christmas themes in November, Spring themes in December, Christmas themes in August, you get the idea.

Last week James had the pleasure of shooting for Create-A-Treat, shooting a little bit of Halloween related treats and, you guessed it: some Christmas treats. Take a look at some of the behind-the-scenes shots from our wintery studio.






The Kit – Easter Feast

Clients, Editorial, James Tse Photo, Studio

Spring is fighting as hard as it can to get here, and with the snow melt and longer days, it’s time to think about all the good things that comes with this transformation. Recently James shot once again with The Kit, this time the subject was the perfect Easter Feast. Check out the images below to see some flavourful, soft and decadent meal ideas to inspire you for the upcoming holiday weekend.







KIT9087_SaladPhotography: James Tse // Food Styling: Ashley Denton // Prop Styling: Carolyn Souch // Creative Director: Jessica Hotson